Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Catalonia Today: sabotage and aggression

After the violent occupation of Barcelona airport and the blockading of main roads, a train hit a tree that had been felled and placed deliberately on a railway line.

 * * * * *
A motorcyclist tried to run a road block set up by the “brownshirts” of the CDR (Committees for the Defence of the Republic) who were following the exhortation of Catalan premier Quim Torra to “Press hard” (his family are all CDR members). The rider was insulted forcefully and the keys of his motorbike were taken from him. The only response from the Mossos (Catalan police) was to take his details. There is no evidence that they acted in any way against the aggressors.
45-second video of the incident.

La Vanguardia
(A local train hits a deliberately felled tree on the tracks)
El Catalán.es
(A motorcyclist is attacked (as the Mossos watch) after his keys are stolen for not stopping at a roadblock in Barcelona’s Gran Vía)
El Periódico
(Torra to the Committees for the Defence of the Republic: “Press hard, and you’re right to press hard”)

El Muindo
(Quim Torra’s link with the CDR: the family “signed up” to the radical group)

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