Wednesday, 26 June 2019

No Spanish in Catalonia

The language of the stupid

This is a singular case in Europe: The Catalan separatists have enforced a hegemony of their language  and have pushed Spanish out of school curricula.
While the Madrid court case against the alleged perpetrators of the illegal referendum on 1 October 2017 is coming to an end, the social conflict between the two groups of Catalans  those who want an independent Catalan state and those who regard themselves as both Spaniards and Catalans  is as acute as ever. It's just not news anymore, it's smouldering. And  the  lines of its argument are diabolically difficult to understand, for every detail in the great tale of Catalan independence aspirations is ideologically charged. This also applies to the language in which young Catalans are taught. Since school and university are not the focus of attention however, the repressive and gruelling struggle against Spanish has been largely waged in  silence.

Paul Ingendaay
(The language of the stupid)

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